Thurs 30th July, The Female Quotient

I’m thrilled be on this panel about the “Power Of The Female Voice” created by The Female Quotient.
Why is storytelling such a powerful tool for change? How can we have more inclusive storytelling? How does authenticity impact an audience? I’m excited to talk about all this & more.
It’s an honour to on this panel led by the super inspiring Shelley Zalis, CEO, The Female Quotient and talk with Natalie Tulloch, Global Lead, Spotify.
Join the event by clicking on this link:
Audible’s ‘To The Woman’ Podcast

Soul Sutras® was part of an incredible project featuring written & narrated letters on Audible’s exclusive ‘to The Woman’ podcast, hosted by Scarlett Curtis. Reading my letter (about my experiences around my body while growing up in India) on a panel for the launch with Scarlett, June Sarpong & Lisa Luxx (all so supportive of the sisterhood!) was truly joyous.
This inspiring project launched as the first ever women’s event in an exclusive ‘men only’ club at The Savile Club, Mayfair.
Guests were be treated to an exclusive first listen of letters which have been written and narrated for Audible’s To The Woman podcast. The evening concluded with a panel discussion, audience Q&A and a chance for attendees to write and share their own letters to the women they’re thankful for.
Anthems from Broccoli Content
“Leave my brown goddesses alone.
– slay, created for broccoli content
They’re ready to stay, to slay
To dance, to laugh, to rule, to take over. Because I’m the ultimate divine feminist and you will listen.”
Soul Sutras created a piece titled SLAY, which was all about the power of the ultimate divine feminist. This was done as part of Anthems, a bold collection of highly-produced original manifestos, speeches, stories, poems and rallying cries written and voiced by exceptional women across Britain – created by Broccoli Content for International Women’s Day.
Owning the change you want, Podcast Academy Panel
Some people don’t wait for change, they make the change happen. This was the theme of the panel with Christina Moore founder of Don’t Skip Media and Steph Colbourne Founder of Edit Audio. We talked about taking action to create the sort of world we wanted – specifically in podcasting.
This special panel was done as a webinar for Podcast Academy, which was formed to foster excellence and recognize outstanding creative achievement in podcasting. Find out more at: